The Five Stages of Your Personal Injury Case

Hi, I’m Mark Shuman from Shuman Legal®. And today, we are going to talk about what to expect after signing up with our firm after you have been involved in an accident. There are five stages in the life of your personal injury case.

Stage One: The Investigation

Our team will immediately start to collect as much information as possible about your accident, your injuries, and everyone involved. We send out our skilled accident investigators if needed to the scene to document. We will also work with you to collect any insurance information as well as details about your injuries. We will also work with local authorities to get a copy of your police report and obtain witness statements and photographs.

Stage Two: Proper Medical Care

Our focus now shifts to make sure that you are getting the best possible medical care for your injuries. Regardless of your current financial situation, we want to make sure that you are seeing the doctors or specialists you need, so that you can make the best possible recovery. It is very important that you get all of the proper medical care necessary for your injuries. Your full recovery is our goal.

Stage Three: Monitoring

The Shuman Legal® team will reach out on a regular basis and monitor how you’re doing with your medical treatment. We are here to answer any questions you may have on the progress of your case. We will not start the official settlement process until you get released by the doctor and your treatment is completed, so that we can make sure that you get the best possible recovery and so that you can get fully compensated for your injuries.

Stage Four: Gathering of Evidence

Once your medical treatment is complete, then the team at Shuman Legal® will work with you and your medical providers to collect copies of your medical records, medical bills, lost wages, and any out-of-pocket expenses that you’ve incurred. From the time you finish your medical treatment, it typically takes about 30 days to get all of the documentation together.

Stage Five: Settlement and Negotiation Process

Within 24 hours of your file being complete, we will send a demand package to the insurance company to start the negotiation process. It typically takes them 30 to 60 days to fully review the file and get back to us to start talking about settlement. So on average, from the time you complete your treatment, it takes about 60 to 90 days before we will hear back from the insurance company and start negotiating your claim. The good news is at Shuman Legal®, we settle well over 95% of our cases. However, we are fully prepared to take your case to trial if necessary. Whatever it takes to get you proper compensation is what we are ready, willing, and able to do at Shuman Legal®.


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