A collision with a tractor-trailer can be a big, bad nuisance. Although the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is keeping an eye on safety, the pileups continue. These collisions are not minor defense hits. Walking outside is rarely an option – walking can be challenging and that is why we have truck accident lawsuits.
Have you been involved in a truck accident? You may still be in shock. Filing a lawsuit may be the furthest thing from your mind.
Our team at Shuman Legal® understands that you have obligations. You need time to recover. What don’t you need? Expenses accrued through someone else’s fault. You need experience to be fully compensated.
What is a truck accident claim?
When you are in a serious accident, you may be recommended to file a lawsuit. This phrase may need definition. What Does the Average Personal Injury Claim Involve?
Legal action is taken during a truck accident lawsuit . Financial justice sought. Cases go to court. Steps could include:
- Submit the complaint. This document lists how the defendant’s actions caused an accident. His injuries will be explained. It will also describe the damage he has suffered.
- Record the defendant’s response. The at-fault party must respond to the claim within a period of time. Called the response, this response shares the defendant’s side of the story.
- The parties request information from each other. Written questions are asked, known as interrogatories. Documentation is requested to support your case.
- Try to reach an agreement. The time and money spent on a trial can snowball. It is advisable to try to resolve your dispute outside of the courtroom. An agreement may result from mediation or other resolution attempts.
- Go to trial. If the parties cannot agree to the terms, the lawsuit ends in court. This process can be long. Lawyers need a lot of preparation time. A verdict is decided. Judgment is pronounced.
Who can be legally responsible in a truck accident?
Fault is not that difficult to establish in passenger car collisions. Big trucks are different. Commercial motor vehicles are huge. A misfire can occur in six ways as of Sunday. If something goes wrong with a semi, the price could be paid in lives lost.
If more than one reason caused a crash, each party can be sued. Who can be named in a commercial truck accident lawsuit ?
- dispatch company
- Driver
- Cargo shipper(s) and/or owner(s)
- Group responsible for vehicle repair and maintenance
- Truck and/or truck parts manufacturer
- Semi-trailer truck owner
- trucking company
Operators can be held responsible for accidents when they get it wrong. Industry safety standards may not have been followed. Worse yet, these rules may have been ignored. Common ways that commercial motor vehicle operators can be at fault in an accident include: Cada accidente es diferente. Pero sí, hay ciertos escenarios en los que la propia empresa puede considerarse culpable. ¿Estaba el conductor de turno cuando ocurrió el accidente? ¿Se benefició el empleador de los esfuerzos del conductor? Si es así, el empleador puede ser considerado responsable. El tribunal puede preguntar: Las colisiones causadas por errores del conductor pueden atribuirse a los empleadores. Las empresas de camiones podrían ser responsables en última instancia si son: Eludir las funciones de gestión. Los supervisores deben estar al tanto de las tareas. Los conductores veteranos aún deben cumplir con las prácticas de conducción segura. Los registros deben ser verificados. Los camiones necesitan mantenimiento e inspecciones periódicas. Los problemas deben manejarse con prontitud. Es importante conocer esta información. Esta zona gris varía en cada caso. Empleados: Contratistas independientes: Podría haber más de una parte a la que culpar por un accidente. La responsabilidad se reparte a cada acusado en consecuencia. Si un conductor se estrelló contra usted en carreteras heladas, puede haber varias partes nombradas en la demanda. La compañía de despacho derivó al operador a través de las inclemencias del tiempo. El gobierno local no cerró la carretera ni la hizo lo suficientemente segura para viajar. Dependiendo de la situación, el conductor también podría ser demandado. Cada uno de estos acusados comparte la culpa por causar el accidente. Cuando contrata a un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de camiones en Chicago, no tiene que responder esta pregunta. Un profesional legal sabe que los camioneros deben cumplir con los mandatos federales y estatales. ¿El(los) acusado(s) violó las leyes durante o poco antes de su accidente? Si es así, un favor podría estar de su lado. Demostrar una violación de la industria puede cambiar el caso a su favor. Getting a sizable settlement isn’t hard when you know exactly what you’re doing. Shuman Legal knows trucks. We understand that the larger the vehicle, the more insurance is required. Translation: truck owners have better coverage so they can pay what they’re asked to pay.¿Qué es la responsabilidad del conductor del camión?
¿Es la empresa de camiones responsable en un accidente?
¿El conductor del camión es un empleado o un contratista?
¿Cómo afectan los múltiples demandados un caso de accidente de camión?
¿Cuáles son las regulaciones federales y estatales de camiones?