Mass Tort
October 4th, 2024

Key Takeaways Settlement values for spinal cord stimulation cases are primarily influenced by the severity of the spinal cord stimulator injury, medical expenses, and the effectiveness of the procedure. Typical settlement amounts range between $275,000 and $600,000, with a high average for malpractice cases at around $1,975,309, influenced by various factors such as location and […]

Mass Tort
August 26th, 2023

Bard PowerPort devices have been linked to serious health problems, including Bard PowerPort problems. Patients report issues like catheter fractures, migration, and severe infections. This article explores these complications and discusses safety concerns and legal actions. Key Takeaways Bard PowerPort devices are associated with severe complications, including catheter fractures, migration, and infections, leading to significant […]

Mass Tort
May 3rd, 2023

Almost 30 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Many of them use CPAP machines to clear their airways and breathe comfortably while they sleep. But what if the machine that helps you sleep is actually ensuring you never wake up? Millions of Philips CPAP machine users are waking up to the rude shock that they […]

Mass Tort
May 1st, 2023

  Wondering if you qualify for a hernia mesh lawsuit due to complications from your implant? This article will guide you through the essential criteria, including the type of injury, the specific hernia mesh product you have, and the timing of your surgery, to help you answer the question: “Do I qualify for a hernia […]

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